
By entering this race, you agree to do so at your own risk.

The Oxenhope Straw Race has been operating for more than 30 years and the organisers are not aware of any significant injuries to competitors or to the public arising out of this event. Whilst we hope that this will remain the case for many years to come, competitors are reminded that the Straw Race is a strenuous activity involving alcohol. Competitors should therefore ensure that they are fit to take part in the event and that they have made themselves aware of the risks before they start.

Competitors should be aware of the following risks involved in this event:

• The race involves the consumption of beer at each of 5 venues on the route.

• Competitors are required to run approximately 2½ miles – with a bale of straw (20Kg) being carried for 1½ miles up hill.

• Competitors are responsible for ensuring that they are fit to take part in this event.

• The event is attended by a team from St John Ambulance. Competitors should ensure prior to the event that they make themselves aware of the location of the Keighley Medical First Aid team which is located along the course as well as at the Finish.

• The race takes place on public roads, many of which will remain open for vehicles throughout the day. Competitors should therefore take care when running on the road and when entering or exiting the highway.

• Competitors are requested to take care of and to give consideration to spectators and members of the public who may be present along the whole of the route of the race. Competitors are also asked to respect our village and ensure they use the toilets provided along the route or at any one of the pubs.

• Part of the race takes place on public footpaths. The organisers are not responsible for the surface of the public rights of way which are very uneven in many locations. If competitors are concerned about the state of the ground then they are advised to familiarise themselves with the course before entering the race.

• Straw from broken bales will accumulate on the course during the competition; this will cause slippery conditions, particularly when wet. Competitors are therefore advised to take particular care of the surface condition of the roads and pavements.

• Whilst the organisers reserve the right to prevent any unsafe contraptions being used by competitors to convey straw, there will be a wide variety of devices on the road which contain straw bales and which will therefore be heavy. Competitors are therefore advised to be aware of the risk that home-made devises for carrying straw could cause injury or damage by falling or rolling, particularly on steep hills.

• In recent years, there has been a light Police presence at the Straw Race, which reflects the historically low incidence of crime or violence associated with the event. However, there is a risk of rowdy behaviour at any of the pubs or on the course of the race. The race stewards are engaged for the assistance of competitors and not for crowd control.

• The race is a non-contact sport and competitors must not in any circumstances push or pull other competitors or their clothing or possessions. Any competitors who become aware of any such conduct are requested to report it immediately to a steward or race official.

• Competitors are reminded to make their own arrangements for refreshments both during and after the race. There is a risk of dehydration during the race, particularly on hot days, if adequate arrangements are not made by competitors for their own refreshment.

• Competitors are reminded that they are responsible for the security or their own possessions. The organisers cannot accept liability in respect of loss or damage caused to the personal possessions of competitors either before or after or during the event.